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Bulldog Club of America

Bulldog Club of America

Northern California Bulldog Rescue

Northern California Bulldog Rescue

American Kennel Club, Inc.

American Kennel Club, Inc.

BCNC Breeder Referral & Information

The Bulldog Club of Northern California does not recommend breeders or guarantee quality or reliability of any Bulldog breeder. However, recognizing the need of the public to be informed about Bulldog breeders, we provide this directory of BCNC member breeders.

Anyone purchasing a Bulldog from any source should use due care in making this important decision.

The breeders listed below are all members in good standing of BCNC and have signed both the BCNC Member's Code of Ethics and the Breeder's Code of Ethics. They have also been active in supporting NorCal Bulldog Rescue activities.

To be listed, breeders must complete the following, and sign documentation stating that they have done the following: 1) complete the BCNC Breeder Referral Application; 2) have been a member in good standing for at least 5 continuous years; 3) must have finished a champion or put a title on a dog other than a CGC; 4) sign the BCNC Breeders Code of Ethics; 5) must attend a minimum of 1 meeting a quarter; 6) must participate in Club activities in some way such as helping at matches, specialties, volunteering, etc.; 7) have done cardiac and patella health testing on breeding stock; 8) participate in rescue at least once per quarter; 9) have no more than 20 puppies or 3 litters a year, whichever is less; 10) microchip all puppies in litters the breeder has bred; 11) have HUU testing completed on all stud dogs prior to use for breeding.

BCNC does NOT validate the veracity of the Breeder Referral information. It is incumbent on the breeder to respond truthfully, and it is the responsibility of any buyer to do his/her own research to make an informed decision.

Along with the listing requirements above, you are advised to familiarize yourself with our Breeder's Code of Ethics (see right column) so you will know your rights and expectations prior to contacting a breeder. You may also download and read our Member's Code of Ethics. If your dealings with any breeders listed in the directory below involve any violations of BCNC's Breeder's Code, you are encouraged to submit a BCNC Breeder Complaint form to the Club Recording Secretary (contact the BCNC Breeder Referral Officer listed below for the address), however, the Club is not responsible for failure to comply. Removal from the directory or revocation of Club membership are possible sanctions. Immediate removal from membership will occur if AKC sanctions have been imposed.

Health Testing Requirements

The following tests are currently recommended as minimum requirements for breeding Bulldogs, and should be done for both dogs and bitches:

Tests are submitted through the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) and maintained by the Canine Health Information Center (CHIC), a centralized canine health center database.

Testing for Hyperuricosuria (HUU) is also recommended. Breeders who perform health tests besides these listed are going above and beyond in their commitment to Bulldog health.

BCNC Breeder Referral Officer
Pat Buchanan
phone: 510-366-0117

Breeders Directory

Pat Ropp
Chelsea Bulldogs
Los Gatos CA
fax: 408-356-8296
*stud service offered

Suzie Rose
Firedog Bulldogs
Napa, CA
*puppies occasionally
*stud service offered

More Information

AKC Advice: About Buying a Dog

Download Forms

»BCNC Membership Application (pdf)

»Breeder Referral Application
& Code of Ethics
(Member & Breeders CoEs)

»BCNC Breeder Complaint Form (pdf)